The initial letter is very important and you need to ensure it is special. When you are writing the first letter, always bear in mind that there will be no second chance to make a first impression. So, what to do to make your initial letter successful?

First of all, start your letter with “Hi” or “Hello”. Some men start their letters with the word “dear”, but you need to know this word has intimate connotation in Russian language, so it is better to keep this word for the time when you two will know each other well. Introduce yourself and let the lady know how you found her profile or address.

Never start your letters with sentences like: “I find you very beautiful…” or “I am taken by your beautiful photo”, etc. Russian woman would like to be first appreciated by her personal qualities and character traits and not appearance. Besides, the word “beautiful” has another meaning in the post Soviet countries. In the Western world all nice looking women, who take care of themselves are called beautiful and in Russia only really beautiful, model-looking ladies are called beautiful. Nice looking ladies are called ‘attractive’ in Russia.

If you write to a Russian lady telling her she is beautiful, she will understand it as if you just like her outer shape and are not interested in her inner world. If you like her pictures, it means you like her with make up, hair done, elegantly dressed, but what will happen when you will see her without fancy clothes, perfectly done hair and make up? And if she thinks she is attractive, not beautiful, she will think that you are mistaken about her look. She will think you are looking for someone beautiful and she is not, this will cause her feel worse, despite your intent to make her feel better about herself. Yes, this is truth; it is the way many Russian ladies can feel when you write they are beautiful.

You may stop writing “I like your photo”, but even this may turn the woman you are writing to off. Russian women don’t want to feel objects on a market or some sort of display. Russian women want to be appreciated as human beings for who they are and not just their looks.

Ensure your letter is interesting to read. Good sense of humor is actually the best way to make the reading of your letter fun, however, know the measure and don’t be a clown. Avoid jokes on lady’s appearance, English knowledge, etc. The best way is to laugh at yourself, but not at your Russian object of admiration.

Here are some necessary details to mention about you in the initial letter: age, height, weight, social status, education, occupation, children, smoking, drinking, religion, interests, hobbies, personality, things you like and place you live in. However, don’t turn your letter in a list – make sure you express yourself, your soul, your heart and make your first letter to a Russian lady alive. Make your letter sound like a story rather than a questionnaire. Ensure it is not long and not boring; the lady will simply not read it to the end or even fall asleep in the middle. However, if your letter consists just of 3-5 sentences, you are not going to get many responses.