Long-distance relationships can survive, if you want to work it out and give it every possible chance to thrive. The present article will provide you with some hints to help you maintain your long-lasting relationship. Here are some steps for you to follow:

Ask questions that you find important to make sure you are on the same wave length on the parameters of relationship. It is very important to set parameters in your relationship like calling your relationship (dating, engaged, etc.). You may find these questions difficult and awkward to ask, but this will save your time and prevent you from unnecessary heart ache and frustration. State your end goal and ideas, this will allow you two to maintain what you need.

Do things together! Since you have a great distance in between you two, it is very important to do things together besides talking over the phone or on Skype. Phone conversation can become boring in the long run. Just try to find things you two can do together even being so far from each other. People, who date regularly mostly do things together and not only talk. You can also look for on-line tips of what to do with your long-distance partner.

Use Skype or other video chat, phone calls, text messaging and e-mailing every day. Don’t forget about the importance of regular contact with your other half to maintain long-distance relationship.

If possible, try to communicate every day more than once by any means available. It is very important to build a strong emotional rapport since you two are not seeing each other. However, this doesn’t mean you need to lead long and deep conversations. Share your life with each other, new things that happen, boast your small victories and relive tragedies together. This will only make you closer to each other. Write special love letters. Send small tokens of attention, cards, flowers and gifts on special occasions and simply for no reason. Both quantity and quality are important. Never take communication with your partner for granted!

Take advantage of the beneficial side of long-distance relationship

You are able to spend more time with your friends and family, avoid unnecessary arguments on trifles, enjoy the emotional comfort seeing your partner after a long absence, etc. Being apart you mange to preserve your individuality that is frequently lost during regular dating.

Purse common interests even being apart! For instance, if you two would like to watch the same movie, you can do this individually and then discuss it with each other. The same can be done with reading one and the same book. You can synchronize movie watching or book reading to make the discussion of things you like more emotional and go on doing things together even being apart.

Never fall the victim of control temptation. No one can control another person – we are born with free will. As long as you two are interested in this relationship, you will stay together, no matter how long the distance between you two is. Trust is very important no matter if you live thousands miles or just two blocks away from each other.

Discuss your future together. Discussing your plans for common future you will realize what stage of the relationship you are at and will save you from frustrations connected to great expectations. Never lose hope things will get better and relationship too.

Visit often. Make time to visit each other as often as it is only possible. No relationship will thrive if what you only have is phone calls or Skype conferences. You need to see each other in person every time you get a chance.

Be trusting and avoid jealousy

Be positive and try not to focus on negative aspects of long-distance relationship. There are for sure many other ways to make long-distance relationship work, but the main idea is working on your relationship and remember that consistency in everything you do to maintain your relationship is crucial.